Let’s face it. Stress has become part of everyone’s life be it a young kid or a grown up man. It becomes essential to take some time out so we can relax. Over stress can lead to many problems on the long run. Hence it is good for us to keep stress far far away from our life.
Source: Flickr
” Basically, my problem was attributed to stress more than anything. I don’t know what that does and I guess doctors can tell you that there’s chemicals that build up in your system when you go through a lot of stress and constant stress.” - Mike Ditka
Source: Flickr
” Basically, my problem was attributed to stress more than anything. I don’t know what that does and I guess doctors can tell you that there’s chemicals that build up in your system when you go through a lot of stress and constant stress.” - Mike Ditka
- Schedule yourself:
The primary reason of stress at work is when you miss your schedule or deadline. With boss stressing you to complete the work and time running out you can get really stressed. The best way to avoid this situation is to schedule your work. It is very important to schedule your work reasonably else you will only end up in more mess and hence more stress. Apart from a good schedule the most important thing is to follow your schedule. Be organized and stress will be miles away from you. - Be fit and healthy:
Another way to avoid stress is to keep fit. Leading a healthy life style can also help you keep away from stress. A body which is not trained can easily get stressed. I advise you to do some light exercise as soon as you get up from bed. You do not even have to hit the gym for that. Just a good 10 minutes of early morning exercise can do wonders in your life. Apart from exercise we must also maintain a good eating habit. Eating a lot of junk food just doesn’t add any nutritional value. It may satisfy your hunger but on the long run you are only accumulating more fat and less muscle. Your morning diet must include vegetable salad and never ever skip your breakfast. - Socialize:
Do not waste you weekends sleeping at home, go out with family and friends to a new place or a movie. Socializing oneself is very important in overall personal growth and it directly reflects in work. It has been proved that employees who are socially active tend to perform better at work than those who are not. If you are not able to perform better you will be stressed. - Get Creative:
Many people have confused creativity with painting. Creativity is not just about drawing your imaginations on you paper, creativity can also be in writing. Creative minds are less likely to be stressed as the mind doesn’t get restricted or stuck. Creative work can calm your brain activity and install confidence in you. - Smoking and Drinking:
Many people are under the wrong assumption that smoking or drinking can cool down your nerves. Initially it may all feel good but as you get used to it, you can get stressed just because you are not having it. So don’t fall into such habits as it will only increase you stress level as time progresses as these are not stress busters instead stress boosters.
Sometimes no matter we do, stress grips us. In that case here are some tips to bust the stress.
Listen to soothing music, nothing beats it. I prefer it with a headphone.
TV’s can also be good stress busters, I prefer to watch cartoons when stressed.
Sleep; if possible take a quick nap.
Play games, a quick session of light gaming can be help you relax.
Have a cup of coffee with friend or you can be alone if you prefer to be.
Breathing exercises/Yoga can also help you beat the stress.
Get fresh i.e. wash your face or take bath.
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